How to Get Higher Jump – Jump Exercises

As a basketball player or street basketball player, of course, you all want to have a high jumping, because this is can be the one of your greatest weapons for a dunk or jump shot in the field. If you want to improve your hop, we will give you a number of ways and tips so that you can jump higher than ever before.

This jump exercise is not just about having a higher vertical jump, instead It’s also will help you develop all the muscle so you can jump higher and faster. After following this exercise, it’s expected that your levels of jump ability will increase.

Jump Exercises

1. Squats

Stand up straight with both feet, and then stretch your legs at shoulder level. Then, lower your body as low as possible, hold for a moment, then stood back up in its original position. Make sure your ankle is not lifted off the ground while doing this movement. Repeat this movement with 10 repetitions.


2. LATERAL Squats


Stand with your legs stretched wider than the shoulders. Then do squats to the left of your body, then back in its original position, thereafter proceed to squat to the right. Do this with each of 10x reps.



Stand with your feet at shoulder level. Lift one leg with the oblique form a straight line with the hips, and then lower back to the floor. Do this with 10x reps on two feet alternately. (See the picture)



4. Lunges

Stand straight with your legs stretched out at shoulder level. Then, step left foot forward, lower your body to the other foot touches the floor. Then go back to the original position, followed by using the right foot. Perform 10x reps for each leg.


5. Glute BRIDGES

Start with sleeping position, both of your feet must touch the floor. Then lift your hips up until just your back touching the floor. Then put down again your hip back, but do not let your hip touch to the floor. Perform 10x reps for this movement.



6. Calf Raises

Stand with your legs stretched out at shoulder level. Raise your body using your toes as high as possible. Hold for a moment, and then lower your body back into its original position. Perform 10x reps for this movement.



7. Step Up

Take a chair, stand in front of a chair with your legs stretched out at shoulder level. Do movements like climbing a stair, perform 10x reps for this movement.



Well, now you already know how to be able to jump higher, right? Now, let’s get the exercise started!


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